Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Ride Home

Johnson walked to the black Cadillac and opened the back door for his new wife, Anna. As she slid onto the cold black leather seat Johnson felt a drop of cold rain hit his hand holding the door handle of the car. He stared at the icy drop of water for a moment as though it would help his heart to stop beating so loudly in his ears. Finally the tears he had been holding back for the last 20 minutes began to flow from his eyes. They were hot and sticky on his wind burned checks.  All he wanted to do was run. Just get out and run like he did when he was the number two high school running back in the state. God, he loved to run. But not today! Today was a day to stay put. Today he needed to look strong. So he looked around and quickly wiped his cheeks. Then he slid into the back of the car beside Anna and closed the door.

As the Cadillac began to move Anna removed her black gloves, reached over and softly took her husband’s hand. Her warm touch was all Johnson needed. He released his tears and pain with the force of someone who had been holding basketballs under water in a pool. He was tired and out of emotional energy. He bellowed so loudly the driver was startled and quickly looked at Anna in the rearview mirror. All he saw was Johnson doubled over with his face in her lap. As his brain processed what had happened, he quietly wiped a tear that was forming and focused on the road.

For some time all Johnson could do was cry. He felt as though his heart would come through his chest, the pain was so intense. Anna’s over coat was soaked with Johnson’s tears and mucus. His head now lay in a wet sticky mess. She didn’t mind. She gently rubbed his hair with her long fingers, closed her eyes and prayed softy for her husband. She began to ask God to help Johnson to grieve well. She prayed for this powerful man and leader to humble himself under God’s kind and gentle hand of grace.

While the driver continued to drive for the next 30 minutes, Johnson began to slow his bitter weeping and after what seemed like an eternity, his bellowing stop and his crying turned to a sad whimper. Anna thought of a story from the Bible about King David. David and Bathsheba’s first child, a son, died shortly after birth. She remembered how David had mourned for his dead son and sat in misery for days, until he realized that his dead son could not come back to him, but one day David could go to him.

As the black limo was pulling up the long drive to the front door of the Creed residence, Johnson lifted his head and wiped his eyes. He then looked at Anna and said, “Why?” “Why did God take Barry?”  At first Anna was silent. She loved her husband dearly and for this question she wanted to take her time. So for a moment, she just looked into his crystal blue eyes. She reached out and took his wet and sad face in her hands. She said softly, “God didn’t take Barry, honey. We live in a world with people who have wills of their own and Barry’s motorcycle was hit by someone simply driving too fast to stop and they ran the red light.” Johnson just stared at Anna. Anna’s answer did not help his pain.

“But more importantly” Anna continued, “will you let your Father in Heaven who knows what it’s like to lose His son, help you through this? Johnson, you know He loves you and wants to help. Please consider praying to Him with an open heart, a heart to really accept His help. He knows what you are going through. I did this when my mother died and He helped me through it.”

As the driver opened their door, Johnson looked into Anna’s eyes and said, “I’ll try.” As Anna kissed him she said, “That’s all He asks”.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”                                                     Philippians 4:6,7 NLT

Pray about everything and remember…

Be Life Giving,

Alex Anderson

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