Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life-giving Meditation

Most Western Christians don't think a lot about meditation.  We will go come hear great messages.  We will read books. We will listen to praise and worship music.  We will go to our small groups.  We will read the Bible.  We will even journal a little bit.  But we don't do much about meditation. Meditation is the key to unlock our life-giving future.  It's the key to get our habitual mind (subconscious) to support our conscious mind, which is saying, "Yeah, I want to, but I don't find I have the strength to do it.  This life-giving thing just doesn't work for me.”

Here is how we meditate.  Our first goal is to spend 15 minutes. So we start with five and work up to at least 15 minutes every day. Find a place to be calm and quiet.  Every day we sit and see ourselves living the life-giving nature that Jesus’ death provided for Christ-followers.   We see it in living color.  We see what we are wearing.  We feel the heat outside, the temperature inside.  We see the people with us.    We see ourselves responding the way Christ would in that situation. We see the outcome. We spend time experiencing as many tangible details as that experience can hold for that amount of time.

Now, I've taught this for many years, and probably about probably about six percent of  people will take me up on it, and when they do I always noticed that they are the ones, two or three years later, are actually living their life-giving dreams. This is how we create a life-giving future.  We create our future inside of our heart, the hidden man of the heart, 1Peter 3:4.  If we take the time to create the future in our hidden man of the heart, it's it becomes more than just a good idea, it becomes our life-giving reality.

Mediate daily and be life-giving!

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