Tuesday, September 4, 2012


There is power in the person of Jesus.

In quantum physics it's called "entanglement" when two particles stay close enough that they become permanently connected. No matter how far apart they latter may become, affect one and you affect  the other.

When we know Jesus intimately we change.

We become like him. As we become like him our ideas change. Our ideas of what our needs are change. Our ideas of who we are change. Our ideas of who others are to us change. Our ideas of what we fear change. Our ideas of success change.

You cannot be around someone much without becoming to some degree like them. There person becomes a part of ours. 

"No one can use my name do good and speak evil of me," Jesus said.

Becoming one with Jesus will change us, forever!

Because Jesus is Life Giving you can Be Life Giving,

Alex Anderson
Comments welcomed 
Permission to re-post
Copyright 2012


Alex Anderson said...

I think I like this.

Tom Royal said...

I think I like this too!!!