Thursday, September 6, 2012

Water On The Floor

Last night I placed my glass on the ledge under the water dispenser of my refrigerator and then pressed the button for 16 oz of water and then pressed dispense. I then went back to fixing my sandwich. As I glanced at my glass, I noticed water pouring down the front of the refrigerator and onto the hardwood floors. My immediate thought, "This is not good". I had set my glass under the ice side of the dispenser not the water side. So, I quickly moved the glass under the water dispenser only to get 8 oz of the 16 oz of water I wanted. Then I had the "fun" of mopping the floor and wiping down the front of the refrigerator. It's amazing all the places 8 oz of water can go. It just doesn't look like that much water in the glass.

Sometimes I can ask my Lord Jesus to bless an area of my life and true to his Life Giving nature He pours out the blessing, however,  because I forget and get distracted with other things I realize later that I did not position myself to receive all of his blessing or maybe I wasted it. And sometimes I have a mess to clean up. It's not His fault it's mine. I just get distracted or don't prepare myself to fully receive all he wanted to bless me with.

God loves us. He is always prepared and attentive to ways to bless and take care of His children.

More than likely all my needs are taken care of abundantly and running over. I must be as Life Giving as my father in my preparedness and attentiveness to receive or I waste His blessings and then am tempted by the evil one to complain that God does not love me and does not take care of me when in honesty, His blessings have been allowed to be "poured out on the floor" of my life and wasted.

Be prepared and attentive to your Father in Heaven and remember,

Be Life Giving

Alex Anderson
copyright 2012

Permission to re-post.

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