Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fears Be Gone, “False Reality” (Pt.2)

As we read, in the beginning, life for Adam and Eve was perfect until Eve was tempted.  It was not the temptation of the apple, but the temptation to believe the lie that Satan spun for her.  He said, “Did God really say that?” Are you sure about that? Are you sure about this relationship you think you have with God? Are you sure it is all that? Are you sure you are all that? In other words, God is holding out on you. You are not really all that. Eve was deceived, not by the “power” of the apple, but by the lie that to her, she was not who she thought she was and needed the apple to become that person.
Just as the enemy deceived Eve in this, this is where the enemy will try to deceive and attack us.  It’s not about our ability, but about our identity.  If the enemy can get us to question who we are, he can get us to question most everything else in our lives as well. He tricks us into questioning our Identity. He questions who we are; he questions what we are doing; he questions our manhood or womanhood; he questions our ability to parent our children; our ability to make any money; he makes us question everything. He starts attacking our minds.  What happens when we start questioning? What begins to happen inside of us? Fear. What he’s doing is he’s trying to connect a false reality with our emotions. F.E.A.R is nothing but False Evidence As Reality.
But we have a defense; we have faith.  The opposite of fear is faith, which is truth, according to God’s Word.  Let me explain.  Years ago, I didn’t operate consciously much in my emotions.  Instead, I was very black and white.  I was all about accomplishments, even if it meant ignoring mine or the emotions and feelings of others.
But after years of reading and studying my own life as well as observing the lives of those I have pastored, I have began to realize that everything we do is connected to an emotion. It may not be expressed on the outside but it is definitely operating on the inside.   
For example, we might know a lot about finances and a way better way to handle our money but we may not be doing it what we know. Some strong internal emotional root could be blocking the will to act on what we know. We might know a better way of doing our jobs but aren’t doing it. We might know a better way of communicating to our spouses and making them feel more important and blessed but aren’t doing it. We may have even read many books and know how to parent our children better but aren’t doing it. We may know what the speed limit is in our neighborhood but we just don’t drive it. Well may not that last one but you get the picture.
So why does this happen? My years of study and ministry suggest, it is because the knowledge we have is not connected to an emotion. Our thoughts are in our head. Our emotions are in your body or more specifically in our nervous system. According to Psychology, emotion is often the driving force behind motivation, positive or negative. In other words if a fact or idea is not connected to an emotion, it is not going to happen; it is just going to be a great idea and nothing more!
Be Life Giving, 
Alex Anderson  
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