Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dark Matter!

Christ followers have “eternal life”. They are bursting at the seams with life. And I’m not talking about life in the sense of “animated” life. I mean there is a life-giving force that is trying to push it’s way to the surface out of the deepest hidden part of man. This life is literally coming from the very essence and nature of man. It is creative, innovative and powerful. 

When I was a child growing up on the farm I was privileged to see baby chicks being hatched. It was an incredible site. Before the chick is ready to hatch you can actually hold the egg up in from of a strong light bulb and see shadows of movement, as the baby chicken is ready to make his debut to the world at large.

Christ followers are bursting to make their debut to the world at large. They are bursting with a new kind of life-giving eternal spirit.

The reason for all this creative life-giving energy is that Christ followers become new species. They have the uncreated spirit of their Father God inside them, his very DNA. This new species is like God. God is always exciting and full of creative life-giving energy. God doesn’t have to be depressed. He is way to busy creating stuff.

One of the interesting things that scientist learned from their studies of the universe through the Hubble telescope is that the universe is expanding at an incredible rate. They could measure the movement of certain constellations of stars and planets, which in turn helped calculate the speed of the expansion.  Also in the study they realized there was some type of invisible energy force that was causing this great expansion of the universe at an amazing rate. They could not find a single star or black hole to contribute this invisible energy. It was everywhere between the bodies that were being push apart. Since they could not see this invisible energy they decided to call it “Dark Matter”.

Just as the universe is expanding because of the life-giving nature of God so does a Christ follower. Inside is a hidden force in the very DNA of a our spirit, just like our Heavenly Father is expanding the universe, it causes amazing creativity and explosion of life within us.

Christ followers are not content unless they are always expanding and expressing their life-giving eternal nature.Doing nothing and not contributing to the world around them goes against their very own nature.

So get out there and create something new and make it your masterpiece. Just like the baby chick, it’s time for your debut to the world. The world is waiting to see what’s inside of you, the real you, the Life-giving spirit you!

And remember when it’s your nature it’s easy to…

Be Life Giving,

Alex Anderson

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