Friday, April 20, 2012

Grief Can Take Care of Itself!

“Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain

The reason joy comes in the morning is because joy is about freshness. It’s about getting to start all over again. It’s about opportunity, creativity and getting another chance to make a difference in someone else’s life. It’s what God does for us every morning. Joy only comes from one thing; focus. When we focus on God and what we get to do for others it changes everything. We use gifts, skills talents and an anointing; all of it on loan from God everyday. And just like the miracle of the fish and loaves, it grows ever time we break a piece of and give it away.

God has so much joy within his nature He has to share it to get the full advantage of it. Our smile and laughter will attract people, but it’s our joy that we share with them that makes them thirsty for more.

Joy bleeds a way the stiffness of uncomfortable situations. It warms the hearts of those who are sad. There is nothing like joy in the natural world. That’s why like gold or diamonds it’s so valuable. We Christ followers have an abundance of it. We carry it around like a fountain that is continually over flowing or at least that’s how Jesus described it to the woman at the well in Samaria.

Joy needs only two things to flow freely. It needs the faucet to be turned on everyday by focusing on the love and presence of the God that lives inside of us. Then what Mark Twain said was right. To get the full value of joy we must have someone to share it.  We can start with our family, our staff and then all others. Start with Joy!

And do yourself a favor,

Be Life Giving!

Alex Anderson

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