Monday, May 21, 2012

Beautiful Things

If you travel east to the end of Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota county Florida, you will come to Rothenbach Park. It’s a community park. It had many of the normal recreational and nature based opportunities to enjoy for families that most Florida parks have such as open vistas, running trails and equipment for families with children to enjoy.  Many of its amenities are designed and built from recycled materials.   As a mater of fact the entire site is a closed and capped landfill. It’s a beautiful place to visit. Imagine that! Someone turned trash into a treasure.
Jesus did that for me. I have done and lived in ways in my past that amounted to nothing more than trash with no value to others or myself in any shape form or fashion.
Yet my Lord Jesus has in His own unique and special way used some of my trash to build opportunities to connect others to him. Over the years I have been able to identify with many people. Many of them have had very similar experiences as I. These moments of sharing and connecting with others have giving me the privilege of introducing them to the one who makes all things new. Sometimes our mess becomes our ministry. Don’t rejoice in your garage dump, but selectively let the Lord use it to connect and lead others to him and to his Grace where he truly make all things Beautiful.
It reminds me of Michael Gungor’s song, Beautiful Things, a great song that pretty much says it all.
Hey Thanks for reading and remember,
Be Life Giving.
Permission to re-post!


Unknown said...


bobbette said...

From Trash to Treasure...
That is a beautiful thing. Thank you Jesus.